I am an ordinary person, just like anyone else. But like anyone else, I can try to become or create something extraordinary. Keeping this in mind, I try to capture the beauty of nature through photography.

So how did I get into photography? When I was younger, I use to draw a lot. It took a long time to master but gave some amazing results. As I grew older time grew scarce and my love for drawing slowly faded. For some time, I did not do anything to create or be creative. This was until I stumbled on the Instagram and YouTube accounts of people like Peter McKinnon, Matti Happoja, Peter Lick and later on Benjamin Hardman. This sparked an interest in photography and inspired me to get a camera. Combining the photography with other things I love, travelling and nature, I set out to create again.

I have come a long way; traveled far distances.  There is however, still a lot to learn and a lot of beautiful places to explore. I am very excited for what the future holds!
